While we do not have an official Special Needs Ministry at Immanuel, we desire that the following two principles are part of our ministries:

  1. Our church is a place where individuals with special needs and their families are welcomed and included as full participants in the life of the church
  2. Individuals with special needs will know, love, and share the Lord


We recognize that individuals with special needs want to learn and enjoy community like everyone else.  We also recognize that they may need a place that is attuned to their special needs. We want to make every effort to adapt to the physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges many individuals face that may prevent them from attending church.

  • Buddies: one-on-one helpers during children’s ministries
  • Sign language interpretation
  • ASL service at 10:30 AM
  • And more…let us know what we can do to provide the resources you need!

We are committed to developing a plan that best meets each individual’s needs. Please contact us below so we can get to know you and your family member with special needs!