Humility, Service, and Forgiveness

Humility, Service, and Forgiveness

Our second set of key words for kids includes humility, service, and forgiveness. These are foundational traits of human behavior that exemplify the values of the Kingdom of God. Jesus perfectly practiced them, and He called His followers to do the same with the result that the will of God would be fulfilled on earth as in heaven.


Humility means that you think others are more important than yourself. It’s the way Jesus lived, and it’s the way He wants us to live in His Kingdom.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourself.”

Phil. 2:3

True Kingdom humility means you don’t think about yourself first because you are busy thinking about others and what they might need. It means we’re continually seeking what’s best for others by placing value on their perspective, thoughts, and experiences.

Unlike the Kingdom of God, the values of our world tell us to accomplish our own agenda at any cost without regarding others. The thoughts and perspectives of others are inconsequential if they don’t match our own. That’s the opposite of humility.


Humility is closely related and influential to the next word. Service.

Typically, service is done with the expectation of payment. When I take my car to the auto shop, I receive service by paying for it. This is necessary and good for the function of society and human flourishing.

But Jesus adds another important dimension to service. Service flows out of humility so that we find ourselves serving others without expecting payment in return. Jesus desires this of His followers and empowers them to do it.

He Himself gave up all His privileges in order to become a servant to everyone without expecting anything in return. Jesus the King washed everyone’s stinky feet and healed all kinds of sick people. He didn’t expect them to pay Him back.

Jesus was the ultimate servant. 

But what if somebody exploits our humble service? What do we do when others take advantage of us and we end up suffering in dramatic ways?


When we suffer because of the actions of others, we do what the King did. Even while bleeding and suffocating on a Roman crucifixion rack, Jesus forgave his tormentors.

“Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”

Luke 23:34

We can follow Jesus’ example only with His help.

The only way we can forgive others is if we’ve been forgiven by Him. When we know His forgiveness, then we can also forgive others.

We must remember how Jesus gave His life in order to forgive. When we know Jesus and His forgiveness, we can actually forgive each other just as He forgave us.