Warnings in Hebrews

Warnings in Hebrews

As we work our way through the book of Hebrews on Sunday mornings, we certainly notice the author’s emphases on perseverance and obedience. He has warned us several times about avoiding the dangers of falling away from Jesus (2:1; 3:7-4:13; 5:11-6:8).

Many readers begin to wonder, “How do I know my salvation in Jesus is secure? Why does Hebrews make me feel so uncomfortable? Are these warning legitimate? Or are they theoretical? Do they really apply to us?”

About five or six years ago, a friend and professor of mine, David Turner, offered this diagram to help explain what assurance of salvation means and where it comes from.

Assurance of Salvation

Scripture gives us both the promises and the warnings. Either side of the triangle can be focused on, depending on what you need.

If you’re worried whether or not God is able to keep you secure in Christ, then remind yourself of the promises that He will keep you from falling away from Jesus.

But if you’re complacent and drifting, then the warnings will do you well and keep you from the ultimate danger of renouncing the gospel and leaving what you have in Jesus.

If we are committed to a certain theological system, whether Calvinism or Arminianism, we will likely either favor the promises and ignore the warnings, or favor the warnings and ignore the promises.

And even though this may mean that we have to accept mystery, I’m convinced we need to fully uphold both the promises and the warnings.

When we think about the deep things of God, should we be surprised to discover complexities or even mystery? No. The Bible often tells us things we need to know even though it doesn’t require us to understand (e.g., Trinity, Eternality, Sovereignty of God and human responsibility, etc.).

The Bible truly offers security, but not for those who are unresponsive and complacent. In some mysterious way, both the promises and the warnings are true. In order to be assured of salvation, we must have faith in both.

The point is clear. We dare not renounce Jesus. Without him there is devastation, death and judgment. In Christ and in Christ alone, all of God’s promises are “yes”! How foolish we would be to turn elsewhere!